Murungai Keerai Poriyal Recipe | Drumstick Leaves Stir Fry Recipe | Pori Arisi Murungai Keerai Poriyal Recipe

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Pori Arisi Murungai Keerai Poriyal Recipe/Drumstick Leaves Stir Fry Recipe is given below with step-by-step instructions and important tips to make a tasty stir fry/poriyal recipe.

Murungai Keerai Poriyal Recipe/Drumstick Leaves Stir Fry Recipe

Murungai Keerai Poriyal Recipe | Drumstick Leaves Stir Fry Recipe | Pori Arisi Murungai Keerai Poriyal Recipe

Murungai Keerai Poriyal/Pori Arisi Murungai Keerai Poriyal Recipe/Drumstick Leaves Stir Fry Recipe is a simple, healthy and nutritious South Indian stir fry recipe. It is a popular recipe specially made as an accompaniment to Aadi Koozh. You can easily make this pori arisi murungai keerai poriyal recipe within 15 minutes and serve it as a side dish. The Pori Arisi Murungai Keerai Poriyal Recipe is given below with step-by-step instructions and important tips to make a tasty stir fry/poriyal recipe.

If you try this Murungai Keerai Poriyal/Pori Arisi Murungai Keerai Poriyal Recipe/Drumstick Leaves Stir Fry Recipe. Do let me know in the comment section. I'm very excited to read your comments.

Before moving on to the Murungai Keerai Poriyal/Pori Arisi Murungai Keerai Poriyal Recipe. Let's know about -
1. What is Murungai Keerai Poriyal/Pori Arisi Murungai Keerai Poriyal Recipe?
2. What is Pori Arisi?

What is Murungai Keerai Poriyal/Pori Arisi Murungai Keerai Poriyal Recipe?

Murungai Keerai Poriyal/Pori Arisi Murungai Keerai Poriyal Recipe is a simple, healthy and nutritious South Indian stir fry recipe. It is a popular recipe specially made as an accompaniment to Aadi Koozh. Aadi Koozh is a Tamilnadu famous and traditional porridge recipe made as a Prasadam in Mariamman Temples during Tamil Month called Aadi Month.

Pori Arisi Murungai Keerai Poriyal Recipe/Murungai Keerai Poriyal is a unique recipe made with a special combination of Murungai keerai/Drumstick leaves/Moringa Leaves and Pori Arisi.

If you are new to Murungai keerai/Drumstick leaves/Moringa Leaves. No worries. I have already written a detailed article about it. Kindly, click the below link to check out -
🔗Murungai Keerai/Drumstick Leaves/Moringa Leaves

What is Pori Arisi?

Pori arisi is simply a rice grain, which is dry roasted over a low flame. While roasting, rice grain will slightly puff up and change in colour and that is called Pori Arisi.

All right, let's move on to pori arisi murungai keerai poriyal ingredients/murungai keerai poriyal ingredients followed by the recipe and important tips to make a tasty stir fry/poriyal recipe.

Pori Arisi Murungai Keerai Poriyal Ingredients/Murungai Keerai Poriyal Ingredients

Pori Arisi Murungai Keerai Poriyal Ingredients/Murungai Keerai Poriyal Ingredients is a simple and nutritious stir fry recipe made with murungai keerai/drumstick leaves as the main ingredient and flavoured with salt, onion and garlic and seasoned with oil, mustard seeds and dry red chilli. Pori Arisi Murungai Keerai Poriyal Recipe also includes pori arisi and freshly grated coconut as the flavouring ingredients.

How to make Murungai Keerai Poriyal Recipe?/How to make Drumstick Leaves Stir Fry Recipe?/Pori Arisi Murungai Keerai Poriyal Recipe

Murungai Keerai Poriyal/Pori Arisi Murungai Keerai Poriyal Recipe/Drumstick Leaves Stir Fry Recipe is a simple, healthy and nutritious South Indian stir fry recipe. It is a popular recipe specially made as an accompaniment to Aadi Koozh. You can easily make this pori arisi murungai keerai poriyal recipe within 15 minutes and serve it as a side dish.

Cuisine - South Indian
Serving - 3
Timing - 15 minutes


Murungai Keerai/Drumstick Leaves - 2 cups (tightly measured)
Coconut (grated) - 1/4 cup
Rice (Idli rice/Raw rice/Par-boiled rice) - 2 tablespoons
Onion (chopped) - 2
Garlic (crushed) - 4
Salt - to taste

For Tempering

Oil - 4 teaspoons
Mustard Seeds - 1/2 teaspoon
Dry Red Chilli (halved) - 3


1. To begin making the Murungai Keerai Poriyal/Pori Arisi Murungai Keerai Poriyal Recipe - Firstly, clean and wash the murungai keerai/drumstick leaves. Keep all other ingredients ready.

2. To Roast and Grind - Heat a pan over a low flame and add rice and continuously dry roast for 2-3 minutes until slightly puffed up and colour changes. Turn off the flame, cool and coarsely grind them.

3. Once grind into a coarse powder, Pori arisi powder is ready. Keep aside.

4. To Cook - Heat oil in a pan over a medium flame and add mustard seeds let them splutter and add dry red chilli fry for a few seconds and add chopped onions and crushed garlic stir fry for 2 minutes.

5. Now add murungai keerai/drumstick leaves and salt mix well and cook for 2-3 minutes.

6. Once murungai keerai/drumstick leaves are cooked and water evaporated add freshly grated coconut and pori arisi powder and mix well. Turn off the flame.

7. Murungai Keerai Poriyal/Pori Arisi Murungai Keerai Poriyal Recipe/Drumstick Leaves Stir Fry Recipe is ready.

You can serve this Murungai Keerai Poriyal/Pori Arisi Murungai Keerai Poriyal Recipe/Drumstick Leaves Stir Fry Recipe as a side dish.

If you have any more questions about the Murungai Keerai Poriyal/Pori Arisi Murungai Keerai Poriyal Recipe/Drumstick Leaves Stir Fry Recipe. Do mail me at Furthermore, follow me on FacebookPinterest and Twitter.

Important tips to make a tasty Murungai Keerai Poriyal/Pori Arisi Murungai Keerai Poriyal Recipe

1. Always use young drumstick leaves/murungai keerai whenever making keerai poriyal/stir fry recipes.

2. You can increase or decrease the spice level.

3. Do not burn the rice while roasting.

4. You do not need water to cook drumstick leaves, in case you need water please sprinkle some water.

I hope the above recipe and the information benefits you. If you try this recipe, do let me know in the comment section. I'm very excited to read your comments.

with better ingredients for better food.

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